Appointments 863.421.6565
Please call ahead for an appointment, even in cases where urgent care is required. We cannot give your child the attention and care he/she needs if we are not expecting you.
To cancel or reschedule an appointment, we request 24 hours notice. Repeated missed appointments may result in termination of care.
Prescription Refills
Prescription refills should be requested during normal business hours. Please allow 2 business days to process refills. It is not our policy to authorize prescriptions without seeing your child, unless the refill is for a recent or current illness.
Forms for School, Daycare, Camp, etc. 
Please allow 2 business days for the completion of forms. For sports physicals, there is a nominal fee if form is not brought in at the same time as the appointment. For school/daycare physicals and immunization records (Blue and Gold forms), if needed the same day, there is a nominal fee.